A Broken Wall of Books, Imperfectly Shelved

Title:  Philip Roth, Goodbye, Columbus.  Image:  London, Terry Pratchett BookBench.

“I looked hard at the image of me, at that darkening of the glass, and then my gaze pushed through it, over the cool floor, to a broken wall of books, imperfectly shelved.”

Let me begin by saying that, per usual, this post is satire.  I’m going to be joking about libraries, something I actually take seriously.  To balance this post (and because I think it’s a truly wonderful book), I’m going to recommend Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? by Jeanette Winterson (a memoir), which discusses, eloquently but simply, the crucial importance libraries have had in her life.  I’m also going to mention a truly excellent novel, The Borrower, by Rebecca Makkai, which is a perfectly realistic (and very funny) book that still manages to convey the idea that librarians are actually superheroes and that libraries are pretty much magic.

You may read the post when you have completed the reading on the syllabus and finished your 5-7 page essays.  [1]

Ground Rules:  Libraries, an Overview

Sir Pterry:

  1. Silence
  2. Books must be returned no later than the last date shown
  3. Do not meddle with the nature of causality.

Note that The Librarian will break/bend 1 and 3, but never 2.  So, if you know who you are and have had my copy of Readme since 2011/12, you could maybe consider that three years is kind of pushing the due date?

Just had to bring that up.  Again.  This individual knows who he is.

Spotted recently at flea market.

Spotted recently at flea market:  mugshot.  YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BOOK THIEF.


(I only recently found out that “FTW” apparently does NOT mean what it once did.  I’ve probably been sending some confusing text messages.  One site helpfully notes that my previously-intended meaning “has dramatically faded in use in the 21st century.”  THANKS.)

I think I probably had an ideal LEGO childhood:  some nearby neighbors had children somewhat older than us, and that, in the fashion of the time, had resulted in a massive LEGO collection.  This was when it was mostly just loose, random LEGOs, not really sets and kits:  little teeny-tiny colorful bricks.  My brother and I inherited this splendor, and many things were created (and many bricks were embedded in feet and inhaled by the vacuum, but So It Goes).

This is the type of LEGOs I'm trying to describe:  not a set, generic, perfect for building absolutely anything.

This is the type of LEGOs I’m trying to describe: not a set, generic, perfect for building absolutely anything.

I do realize the above ad has been pretty ubiquitous as of late, but rightly so.  At any rate, that IS what they looked like.  For that matter, I also wore overalls a great deal of the time during that period.  I’m kind of suspicious that gender-neutral LEGOs and overalls caused any lasting damage, but I’m willing to volunteer for a scientific study if anyone would like to try to prove it.  And I also played with Micro Machines.  [hushed gasps]

Oh, and Barbies, but, admittedly, mine were kind of twisted.  Twisted pretty much meaning serial killers tending toward sociopathic.

This is an actual artist's work.  Sadly, not mine.

This is an actual artist’s work. Sadly, not mine.

If any of you readers have children who would like to be shown how to make a DIY Barbie body cast using supplies in your own home . . .

I digress.  As usual.

I enjoy the LEGO ideas site, where people get to propose potential LEGO sets.  If you’re not familiar with it, the design is posted, along with detailed pictures and (usually) a lengthy description.  If it attains the necessary number of backers, it will be reviewed to become an actual sold-in-stores LEGO set.  It’s sort of an imaginary toy store.

I’ve been eying the “Modular Library” submission, a 1920s Baroque building intended to fit with other modular building sets.

(“People with no upper-body strength, who read poetry. These are my people.”  —How to Build a Girl, Caitlin Moran)

But would I be me if I didn’t have two (plus) cents to add?  Of course not!  I’m pretty sure these are not the sort of suggestions they’re soliciting on the site, so . . .


Modular Library-- exterior

Modular Library– exterior

I could talk about the mix of styles popular in that era, compare and contrast with the six common Carnegie library plans, etc., but who’s here for library school?

Not me, sailor.

Let’s dissect. I’ll start with the bike.  I don’t see a chain there.  That sucker is going to get stolen as soon as white-shirt dude blinks.  Ideally, there should be a lurker around the corner watching out for unattended bikes.  [2]

The skateboard person should be causing a disruption.  And why is (s)he even outside?  Is there a hard surface hall in that building?  That’s where they should be.  Right in front of the “NO SKATEBOARDS” sign would be perfect.  Don’t forget to scuff the floor!

I’m not sure how to covey this idea, but it should be clear that the person with the briefcase intends to run a business out of the library (needless to say, in violation of policy).  Suggestions for locating this guy:  at circ desk, demanding to use phone, or in a study carrel, with cell phone (generating multiple complaints and exceeding time limits for said carrel).  Bonus if you can figure out a way to indicate that he’s complaining about the wi-fi speed and/or Internet restrictions.

The woman carrying a satchel has stolen books.  At least one of the following should be peeking out:  anything by Zane, Confessions of a Video Vixen, something about the occult, or The Heroin Diaries.

Wimborne Minster: the chained library (1686):  no doubt contains then-current equivalents of the above

Wimborne Minster: the chained library (1686): no doubt contains then-current equivalents of the above

Apply graffiti and disrupt removable/breakable fixtures as necessary.  Oh, and that other guy should feel free to fall and threaten a lawsuit.

Taken at a remote gas station several years ago,

Taken at a remote gas station several years ago,  I posted it on Twitter some time later; within minutes, someone (a person? an entity? It wasn’t clear) attacked me with “informative” 140-character capsules intended to educate me about objectivism.  Then the questions got really weird:  what type of pen was used to write this?  (I didn’t write it.)  John Galt is on Twitter, and he is watching.

Some Exterior Details


Front door detail

There’s the thief again.  But on to front doors.  These should really be papered with signage in mega-fonts about Really, Seriously Important Stuff You Need to Know.  Say, hours.  The printer is broken, no, seriously, we’re not kidding, and we can’t print whatever it is, because, like we said, the printer is broken.  Internet is down, and no, there is no Internet, because it’s down.  Etc.

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign . . .

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign . . .

Signs are actually decorative.  No one reads them.  They are beneficial for employees, however, as they are easy to point at while banging one’s head repeatedly on the desk.

See:  9 Very Specific Rules from Real Libraries (signs).  Fact:  no one ever read these signs before they appeared in this Mental Floss article.

Skylight detail

Skylight detail

Okay, not much to say here.  I was briefly in a library buildings-related course (until I figured out that a) I needed to drop one course that semester and b) oops, I was actually taking one more course than was required for the degree in the first place), but I’m pretty sure that the thesis was if you design a library with a skylight, you get what you deserve.



Just no.

It is at this point where I do question whether or not the designer has been in a library.  I see a lone user with a computer and what may be a book.

I do not see:  porn, YouTube, the hand-waving thing directed at the circ staff, any attempt to shield the screen, contraband beverages, the general appearance of attempting to colonize the space, seriously questionable images that are debatably porn, or a screen full of error messages.

I’m not sure why a book would be involved.  Or why the computer appears to be a Apple II (possibly a Commodore?).  Or why the computer is located in close proximity to the shelves.


Is this a joke?

Admittedly, at first the confusion here was my fault:  I thought this was supposed to represent a second computer user.  After looking again, I’m thinking maybe it’s a reference desk?

So:  why is the reference guy old and balding?  I call stereotype.  Old, decrepit librarian alert!  (“. . . when I returned from my summer vacation I would be put in charge of the Reference Room, a position that had been empty ever since that morning when Martha Winney had fallen off a high stool in the Encyclopedia Room and shattered all those frail bones . . . .”  —okay, if this is actually some sort of Roth homage, I’m way too tired/dull-minded to figure it out.)

Nancy Perl Action Figure (Deluxe).  All libraries are required to have one.  Please note that nothing, including acts of God, will keep any component of this set standing upright.

Nancy Pearl Action Figure (Deluxe). All libraries are required to have one. Please note that nothing, including acts of God, will keep any component of this set standing upright.

But I do notice he gets a decidedly Mac-looking laptop, whereas the patron has the Commodore.  Not sure what’s up with that (but somebody, probably the lady with the green book, will be remarking about where her tax dollars are going).

“My tax dollars pay your salary!” (via librarianproblems)

The green book appears to have a bottle of ketchup on it.  I’m therefore titling this reference volume Presidential Fact Book 1980-1988, V. 3:  Ketchup and Other Vegetables.  [3]

The brown thing center-right– stool?  chair?  I’m not really sure.  I think maybe it’s a luxe brown leather Pottery Barn kiddie chair (I feel sure they make those).

If that is indeed a reference section, that’s where employees go to weed ruthlessly and talk about the cost of electronic databases.

Water Fountains


That looks like a bidet, says the potty-minded one.

Before I start rambling about the bidet/fountain, is that Princess Leia?  Hair + white top.  Compare:


Just looking for a water fountain. Or bidet. No preference, really.

The official description calls it a water fountain, so we’ll go with that.  So, first things first:  there’s no gum in it.  It is a Major Library Rule that all fountains must be inoperative for some reason, and gum is a chief culprit.

Does anybody else remember this?  I don't remember the official Ghostbusters one, but there was definitely a knockoff.  Anyone?

Does anybody else remember this? I don’t remember the official Ghostbusters one, but there was definitely a knockoff. Anyone?

Another little-known fact is that water fountains are only available to public libraries through practical-joke companies.  This is why they’re ideal for a cold shower (of course, you could just bathe in the bathroom like most people, but that’s another story).  Getting blasted directly in the face with subfreezing water is another favorite trick, with is sort of a Gwyneth Paltrow GOOP-sounding tip, come to think of it.  [4]

Please stay tuned for my upcoming bestseller:  The Public Library Water Fountain Cleanse.

There are also books next to the water fountain.  I have no clue.

Bond.  James Bond.



This image actually has no label or explanation.

What you’re seeing here is the elusive library employee sneaking in the back door.  I believe it is a cataloguser bibliotheca (gimme a break; I never had Latin; ataloger-cay?).

Seldom spotted, this creature often remains huddled at a desk, whose principal features are the following:

  • caffeine potables
  • all-purpose cardigan, perhaps made of Kevlar– actually a cape!
  • cat hair.  duh.
  • various reference manuals, probably tear stained (particularly applicable post-RDA)
  • backlog
  • shattered pieces of sanity
Real World, Library

Real World, Library

Diet Coke cans highly underrepresented here; must have been post-recycling haul.  Post–Its causing twitching.  Time sheet is most definitely not filled out correctly/entirely (shout out to the business office).  Two Dewey manuals = 2x the power.

You can only see the cataloger if you are Pure of Spirit.

You can only see the cataloger if you are Pure of Spirit.  Verily, she is a unicorn.

Patient warnings:  Muttering and cursing to be expected (again, particularly post-RDA).  The twitching eyelid thing is probably actually a tribute to the Coca-Cola company, Flying Spaghetti Monster bless it.  Either that or the label printer is doing THAT THING.  Should cataloger suffer mental collapse, it’s not you or the library– it’s her.  And if any of you are reading this, she still thinks you’re all pretty great.

Other Suggested Additions

This is for any workplace, really.  Picture circa 1950s.

Apparently from Time?  America, why is your emotional life run by Time Magazine?  Why are your libraries full of tears?  ANSWER:  whiskey shortage.

Apparently from Time? Are you going to let our emotional life be run by Time Magazine?  Why are your libraries full of tears? [here] ANSWER: whiskey shortage.

C’est tout.


The Meta Portion  [5]

[1]  Times New Roman, double-spaced, MLA.  Do not, as a student once did, call during SVU to ask for an extension.


I’m told operetta is low-class.  Well . . . I like it.  QED?

[3]  Technically, the actual 1981 FNS cited pickle relish (as one example of a vegetable substitute), not ketchup; ketchup was the catchphrase.  In the end, the entire part of that portion of the FNS (that said condiments– which presumably did include ketchup) got cut.  The revised policy never got accepted in the end (more due to reduction in school meal size quantity and exclusion of large numbers of previously-eligible schoolchildren from free- and reduced price lunches).  And that was your virtual visit to the reference desk!  I’m so sneaky!  And easily sidetracked!

[4]  Given the current popularity of live tweeting, I plan to try no fewer than five GOOP-recommened cleanses– at once— and share (I love that word– #sarcasm)– the experience.  Given my own experiences with, um, “dieting,” I sort of think that’s probably not medically recommended.

April, this brief appearance of Donna in no way indicates that you are being replaced as my role model.  FYI.

April, this appearance of Donna in no way indicates that you are being replaced as my role model. FYI.

[5]  “I do things like get in a taxi and say, ‘The library, and step on it it.'”  Sorry.  That felt obligatory.  Also just had to get it out of my system.  [5a]

     [5a]  And now you can follow up with:  “What in God’s name are those . . . . those sounds?”  Which is probably pretty much how you feel about this blog in general.  [5b]

           [5b]  And now can say “I am not what you see and hear,” which is generally how I feel, anyway.  I hope this footnote series has given you the warm metafuzzies.



Don’t Mourn (?), Organize!  Or at Least Read Some Stuff . . .

So . . .

Keep up with federal legislation regarding libraries.  People kinda like to try to yank funds.

You may have (ahem) heard me mention this, but the Patriot Act . . . yeah.

Federal funding matters.  You can probably also find out what your state is up to.

Know about your privacy.

Diversity is a thing.

“Don’t waste any time in mourning– organize.” OR: Emoji Encore

Post title:  Joe Hill’s last words (prior to execution by firing squad).  Image:  Woody Guthrie and his famous guitar (“this machine kills fascists”).

So this will actually appear May 2nd.  Isn’t it stylish to be late and all that?  If you disagree with that, see also this Smithsonian article about time as a social construct.  BOOM.

I never learn my lessons.  History thus repeats itself.


. . . except I think I am one. As a customer at work said to me: “You write like my old man!”

A moment of theory so I can pretend I’m putting my education to use:

thumb-history-repeats-itself-by-karl-marx-picture-quotes-39119 page0001

That’s all, folks!

So:  May Day/International Workers’ Day/(real) Labor Day in emoji. Yes, your life is now complete. You’re welcome.


Arise, ye workers from your slumbers.

Also, yes, a Spotify playlist to go along with this, because why not?  The songs and performers are all a mixed bag; for instance, I found one site that listed 800+ workers’ songs.  These are arbitrary choices, pretty much.  Some really great ones aren’t here simply because I just plain couldn’t work them out (if you’ve got one, feel free to drop it in the comments).  The performers are also fairly arbitrary; some are personal favorite versions/very famous renditions, but others are just why nots? So many of these have so many versions that it’s difficult to pick one.




*Please note that many/most of these emojis got weird somewhere between the composing and publishing stage (as I see now that I’ve done a preview).  There were a variety of skin tones, and that seems to have eradicated itself.  I’m not sure what “version” of the emojis is showing up in the actual post, but it’s NOT the one I’m seeing here and used to write this thing.

🍞🌹🌹🌹 (Bread and Roses)

👻👦 (The Ghost of Tom Joad)

I love this series.  Where was it when I was teaching?

👧🏬 (I’m Gonna Be an Engineer)  [1]

👫👬👭👍 (Solidarity Forever)

🎶👨🔫🔫🔫 (The Ballad of Joe Hill)


👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦🏢🏣🏥🏫 (Union Town)

🍰🌅 (Pie in the Sky)

👨🚂 (Casey Jones)

👨🔨 (John Henry)

🕘🕓 (9 to 5[2]

🇺🇸🚫👼 (Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You into Heaven Anymore[3a]

🏡➡️🏭 (Paradise[3b] [3c] [3d]


🚣 (Michael, Row the Boat Ashore) [4]

👫 👬 👭 🎤❓ (Do You Hear the People Sing?)

🙇💭🛅🙅 (He Thinks He’ll Keep Her)


🔇👮 (Fuck Tha Police) [5]

💅👺🙍 (Pretty Girls)

🚌 (Wheels)

👼✂️⬇️ (God’s Gonna Cut You Down)

📦📦📦 (Little Boxes)

💨⚠️🎹 (Draft Dodger Rag) [6]

🎊✌️ (Chimes of the Freedom)

🐟 🐠 🐡🙌🙌🙌 (FISH Cheer– AKA Fixin’ to Die Rag)

Several versions on Spotify, but none can top the actual Woodstock version.  So here.

🙋🚜 (Maggie’s Farm)–  Of course!

[1]  My hypothetical daughter would/Alice does know this.


I am Woman, hear me . . .

[2] While doing the Spotify playlist, I found the Lady Sovereign version of this.  What have we come to???  And no, this is not me being old.  Listen and compare the lyrics, for crying out loud.

[3a]  Title according to my brother:  “Hippie Commie Song by that Guy Who Can’t Sing.”

[3b]  See 3a.

[3c]  For full list of singers and bands this applies to (according to my brother), schedule a week off work and bring a recording device.  Also many tapes.  Also batteries.  Generator?

[3d]  I like David Foster Wallace.  I think that’s come up.

[4]  Spotify list is Peter, Paul, and Mary– yes, I know their band name doesn’t actually contain the Oxford comma, but welcome to my blog.  Anyway, I definitely told my brother that “Puff, the Magic Dragon” was about drugs.  Eh, sorry?

[5]  This has an “explicit” warning next to it on Spotify, for all those who, um, yeah, I really don’t know who actually needs that.

[6]  Every song written or performed by Phil Ochs could pretty much be on here.

quote-Phil-Ochs-there-is-an-urgent-need-for-americans-28133 quote-Phil-Ochs-even-though-you-cant-expect-to-defeat-28125



Got a favorite song I didn’t cover here?  Leave a note in the comments, and I’ll see what I can do . . .

I’m As Pure as Driven Slush

(title source:  Talllulah Bankhead, yet again; the image you should recognize, unless this is your first visit to the Internet– in which case welcome, and go introduce yourself to Google!)

I’ll come and make love to you at five o’clock. If I’m late start without me.

Yes, that was T.B. again.  I do love a good questionable role model.

Perhaps you’ve seen the recent survey that has found that users of emojis have more sex (hello?  anyone still reading this?  is everyone on their phone now?  should I just stop here?).

At any rate, maybe you want to up your game.  Maybe a heart or an eggplant just doesn’t say how you truly feel.  Technically, this post was reader-suggested (well, the emoji part; I’m the one who went all kinky with it, DUH); therefore, mashing all that together, this is going to be an advice column for the technology-addicted lovelorn.

Dear Maggie,

I long to communicate my innermost desires and feelings o’ passion to anyone in my contacts list I might reasonably have a shot at.  My feelings are as multilayered and nuanced as the finest Harlequin Romance writer’s [1], though, and I simply can’t cram the swelling tides of passion that o’erflow my heart into one cartoonish symbol.  Help my thumbs speak eloquently!


Struck Dumb on a Smartphone

Dear Struck Dumb,

Had smartphones existed in Shakespeare’s day, imagine how much more transcendent the sonnets would have been!  Picture Donne’s “A Valediction:  Forbidding Mourning“– the whole final stanza could simply be a picture of a compass!  I’m completely re”writing” my personal favorite, Auden’s “Lullaby.”  “Lay your 😴 my 💘, / 👤 on my 🚫 ⛪️ 💪; / ⌚️ and 😷 🌋 away / Individual 🌈 from / 📚 👶, and the grave / 👏 the 👶 🍃 . . . .” [2]  The humdrum, limited language of these soon-to-be-forgotten poets is not for you, my dear; you will write the pithy, epic sexts that will be the cultural touchstones of the 21st century!  Just get ready to take notes (screencaptures?) . . . 



A nice, gentle one to ease you into this: “kiss me slowly.” (via Buzzfeed)


Choose one: A) All about that Bass; B) Fat-Bottomed Girls; C) I Like Big Butts; D) My Pet Theory, They’re All the Same Song (Paper forthcoming: “Butt Appreciation: It’s the Same Old Song”). Okay, fine: it’s asking about getting to second base. (via nymag.com)  [3]

Twerking fails to impress.


Looks like somebody’s getting lucky tonight. (via Buzzfeed)


Pretty obvious, though I do wonder: is that a glass of wine apiece, or does it take two glasses of wine to get to that point? Sub beer if that’s your thing.🍺 (via Buzzfeed)


My personal favorite: want to join the Mile High Club? Here’s how to ask. (via Buzzfeed)


This one is dedicated to the current situation above me.  Use as you see fit.  (my own)

👀 📬 👰

Not finding tru luv on Tinder?  Mail order is always an option!  (my own)


Steamy. Theoretically, you could tack on another shower. You know, a cool down. Yeah, never mind.

BUT . . .

👉 + ❄️ 🚿 = 🚨

does make it clear someone needs to take it down a notch.  (my own)

Suggestive can be good:

🍒 💣

(my own)

Urban Dictionary top meaning:  a smoking hot female; female with a fine ass; beautiful curvaceous ass.  My understanding is that, in the context of the song, it referred to the band member, and (duh) underage promiscuity and general hell-raising.  Which is basically all Runaways/Joan Jett songs, give or take the underage bit.

. . . and I just came up with one for “Do You Wanna Touch Me?” in my head, but I’m going to stop myself before this entire thing turns into a Joan Jett emoji post, and some psychoanalyst finds it, and I end up in a mental health journal.  Or TMZ.

There are always other songs

👀m on 🔥

Bruce’s hottest song?  YOU DECIDE.  [4]

🚢 🎼

Okay, referencing “The Ship Song” is going to work on a limited audience, but it includes me, and this is MY blog.  So.  There.

And, my lord, Cale is on stage with him.  What else can I give you?  Oh, yes, MOJO’s recent artist profile, where he is called “the Satanic Sinatra.”  👺🎤

Finally, I’d really like to see someone come up with a translation for this one:


Annie Hall again, yes. Your point?

So there’s your quick guide.  I should mention that this post comes with a 100% in no way guaranteed guarantee that you’ll live happily ever after.


Well, at least you’ll have a great soundtrack!

[1]  Eh, the Harlequin covers were boring.  You’re getting a 50s pulp instead:


This is pretty much also the subtitle of this post. Or this blog. Whatever.

[2]  Seriously, how are you supposed to convey “ephemeral”?  Where’s the emoji set for wordy nerdy types?


[3]  After presenting this theory to one person, they declared:  “Sir Mix-A-Lot:  an ardent supporter of feminism since 1992.”

[4]  Best Springsteen article ever.  Also citing because I won a comment award for what I said there.  But, um, you seriously might not actually want to read what I wrote there, because you’ll definitely never be able to un-know it.

“There is less in this than meets the eye.”

(post title credit:  Talullah Bankhead again; main post image, no reason other than love for The Muppet Show)

First Things First:  Progress, Ho!

If you read the Outpost, you’ll see in the comment to the latest post that there’s a promised post forthcoming.  Believe it or not, it’s in the works:  there’s an actual (incomplete) draft.  Progress slowed down a bit when I did something highly mysterious that led to shutting down every window and program on my computer, thus losing all the resources I had gathered (they also somehow vanished from my browser history).  Whatever I did there, don’t do that.

I’m bouncing two additional ideas around for shorter posts (Outpost again).  Not sure if they’ll pan out.

Notice Anything Different?

Yeah, thought not.

I’m working on adding links (right sidebar), which has been on my to-do for this blog since day one.  I started last night and will continue to add sporadically.  Last night, as you can see currently, was mostly humor stuff (which, somehow, devolved into being mainly webcomics– I’m not entirely sure what happened there).  For the record, this is stuff I do actually read, though obviously, I don’t visit them all every last day.

Words with . . . Families?  An Actual Sort-Of Personal Story

I think it’s at least fairly common that immediate families have a few (sometimes a lot) of made-up words or codewords unique to them.  From what I’ve seen and heard, these tend to involve words with sexual connotations or that relate to bodily functions.  I did Google it, and some families get a little more creative:  see here and here for short lists of examples (reader-submitted).  [1]  

I’m not sure these technically qualify as neologisms (“bae,” etc.), since they never enter the popular vernacular.  Someone else would have to clarify that; I’m really not clear on that one.  [2]

What’s I’m coming around to is one my family uses.  Something to know first is that, if you dropped all four of us in a bookstore, we separate to such far extremes that reuniting is a monumental task; our tastes vary in the extreme.  We all agree, though, that My Life and Hard Times (James Thurber) is a singularly hilarious book.  [3]  

In the chapter “Other Alarms at Night,” Thurber lies awake all night, trying in vain to come up with the name of the New Jersey town Perth Amboy.  In the dead of night, he wakes up his (already-nervous) father and demands, without explanation, that he begin naming towns in New Jersey, getting more and more insistent– and leading his father to believe he’s lost his mind.

When someone in my family has a nagging, insistent, can’t-remember-something-trivial problem that is actively bothering them, this is a Perth Amboy situation.  It’s also a Perth Amboy situation when the answer springs to your mind at 3 AM, when you’ve invariably been lying awake to that point trying to pinpoint whatever meaningless thing won’t leave you alone.

This happened last night, after I’d gone to bed.  I have no idea on this earth how Don Johnson appeared in my mind, but there he was.  I thought of Miami Vice. . . but what was that TV show he was on in the 90s?  Cop?  PI?  Yellow car.  Right.  Yellow car.  Barracuda.  [4]  The end result was a nocturnal visit to imdb:  Nash Bridges.  (here is the Wikipedia summary— I chose it because it shows how like, totally, seriously deep a show it was)  But:  Perth Amboy!

In Conclusion

No, I haven’t seen 50 Shades.  I started the first book (at the library) but quickly delivered a hard “no” to all involved.  [5]  With all the cumulative press dating from the publication of the books to the movie’s release, it’s not at all hard to have a pretty concrete idea of the finer plot details, though.  So I present you with my two favorite articles thus far:  a review of the movie plus a soundtrack review.  (these are funny, not analytical/deep– you’re thinking of the auxiliary blog)

“No Pain, No Gain”  (New Yorker)

“Breaking Down the 50 Shades of Grey Soundtrack, One Track at a Time” (Esquire)  [6]

Before You Go

Thurber was also pretty famous for his bizarre cartoons (they illustrated his books and often appeared in the New Yorker).  You often have to project your own narrative onto them to some extent to interpret them; it’s hard to explain.  You’ll probably notice that he has a distinctive drawing style; he lost sight in one eye (result of an accident) as a child and rapidly began to lose all sight as an adult.  There’s only one dog here, but his dog drawings may be the things that are most famous now (the dog shown here is from My Life and Hard Times).  If you want to see more, there are many more images available via Google image search.

ThurberMyPistol ThurberInsurrection ThurberBrynMawr 8213932 thurber-wrong-number

[1]  As with pretty much anything, there’s more out there.  The two links I’ve chosen are not euphemism-type lists; they’re more the out-in-left-field variety.

[2]  Also, do these South Park contributions count?

[3]  My favorite from the volume, “The Night the Bed Fell,” is in the New Yorker archive (1933) here.  If reading Project Gutenberg doesn’t make you cross-eyed, the whole book is here.

[4]  Entirely typical for every single detail but the vehicle involved to evade me.  Someday, my children, I’ll gather you ’round me and tell you my El Camino theory (TM).

[5]  I read the first Twilight while hospitalized; I had access to all three of those and Trainspotting.  I read Trainspotting, then Twilight.  I considered the second volume of Twilight, then read Trainspotting twice more while waiting for further reading material.  Reading that book three times in less than a week is . . . interesting.

[6]  Not my usual reading material.  Caitlin Moran (formerly a music journalist) tweeted the link.

I’d like to kiss you, darling, but I just washed my hair.

This was written ahead of time, but it’s scheduled to appear at 8 AM on Valentine’s Day.  For sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everywhere . . . might want to look elsewhere.  I don’t have a filter, remember?

I do, however, have an Alice.

Not sure when this was taken-- many years ago, anyway.  Alice looks thrilled, doesn't she?

Not sure when this was taken– many years ago, anyway. Alice looks thrilled, doesn’t she?

(post title credit:  Talluah Bankhead.  Feature image credit:  bathroom graffiti from random gas station)

Quite obviously, this is the obligatory Valentine’s Day post.  I’m making a valiant attempt to find something for everyone– unless you’re looking for something traditionally appropriate or gushingly romantic.  I kinda neglected that bit; I suggest Hallmark.  For no real reason, I’ve been accumulating Valentine’s Day images on my computer for awhile now (my image library is a scary place):  then this blog erupted, and there was suddenly a purpose for them.  I found some more, and that brings us to this image-based post.

I’ve tried to sort images by category, but of course that’s a little arbitrary.  The themes, too, are arbitrary; it’s mostly stuff I thought was funny.  At any rate, whether you have a Valentine, are anti-Valentine, love the bizarre, or into Galantine’s, you should find something to save and print out at the last minute (my M.O. of preference), pin to Pinterest for when the right one comes along, or use to line your hamster cage.  You do you.  [1]

To conclude the intro, my favorite quotation for February 14th; it’s not really about romantic love, hearts, flowers; it’s just . . . well, here:  “. . .the sun would leave my sky if I couldn’t assume you’d simply come and tell me you were sad.”
― David Foster WallaceInfinite Jest [2]

A note on image sources:  in an ideal world, I’d be citing where I found these images.  For the most part, I was never keeping track of that, particularly since many of these images were downloaded at wildly different times, and I never intended to put them on a public post.  A few state the source with a logo (or something).  Some are Etsy cards; those are obvious because of the pictures.  Many came from various Tumblrs, some from blogs.  Some are from articles (in those cases, the article may have been a compilation, so the article itself may not be the original source).  Some are memes that came from who-knows-where.  Etc.


So why not start with Billy Ray Cyrus?


And now “Achy Breaky Heart” will be in your head for the rest of the day. You are very, very welcome! [3]


If anyone has ever seen we have a WiFi-goes-down related psychotic break . . . Pro tip: In any new location where you will be spending significant time, A) attempt to beg, steal, or borrow Wifi code, and B) as a backup, try to find an accessible unsecured WiFi connection as a backup.


Super answer. From Ask Mr. Murakami. No longer taking questions, and the website that shows how to use the question submission form (English-to-Japanese) has been taken down. Because it existed, though, some of the questions/answers are in English and are all worth reading.


Dykes to Watch Out For, one of the later ones (not sure which specific collection, but it’s in the collected edition). A lovely proposal.


A truly romantic sentiment. Plus, it rhymes, so it’s like Elizabeth Barrett Browning or something, right? (also, it’s sort of non-gendered, which is cool)


If you want any, any version you can envision, of a “Kanye likes/loves Kanye” Valentine, head over to Google. It must be the year’s most popular Valentine.


For people who are in love to a degree that transcends human understanding. Or at least my understanding.


But is a relationship complete without Netflix?  [4]


Aw, gee. ::blushes::


Eh, no one says this to me. Ever. So I’ll assume everyone ELSE’S music sucks. That seems reasonable . . .


For those who really just want something traditional.


Naps. Mmm.


This isn’t terrifically clear. It’s Hannah Montana Valentines– which they are apparently still making. (?) I would classify these as appropriate for fans of retro or those made nervous by Miley’s current incarnation (i.e., my father).  [5]


Compromise: reality and romanticism.  [6]


I’m a complicated person. Not really. If you can fit it on the front of a greeting card: no, not really.


Yeah, this is a major bonus.


Billions and billions and . . . whoa, man, BILLIONS!


I just hover inches above your face with the pillow and . . . consider things. Like jail time. Autopsy results. How this usually plays out on Law & Order.


And the bad pun award . . .


No, I was at no point searching for Ellen Valentines. But seriously. 12 Days of Giveaways. Bucket list.


But it may still have to sleep between us, Waltons-style. Everybody say, “Goodnight, Marvin.” (Your phone doesn’t have a name? Weird.)  [7] [8]


Read: You are one sick, sick freak. And I like that. On the plus side, you evidently like small animals.  Want my number?


“My father warned me about men and booze, but he never mentioned a word about women and cocaine.” ― Tallulah Bankhead, Tallulah: My Autobiography [user poll:  should there be a Questionable Role Models series?  Because there seem to be a lot appearing here.]


Friends, friends with benefits, [choose your terminology], don’t let [terminology] binge-watch TV alone. In the rain.  [9]


Also see: the kind of love that only exists in rom-coms featuring Julia Roberts.


Actually, I can just give you one of the tapes that are still cluttering shoeboxes at my parents’. Unless you prefer Tayler Swift’s 1989 to actual 1989. [10]



Consider this an open invitation. >And if you’re really into it, please see subscribe to blog (subscribe to blog via WP or email) at right.


Friends, casual sex, awkward coffee “dates,” whatever. I didn’t actually know where to put this one, so it’s here. Swipe left or right depending on whether or not you agree with this placement.




Keep telling yourself that. (that’s what I do)


On my grumpiness scale. Patent pending.


DUH, the “friends” section contains the Golden Girls.


I find this one kind of touching . . .  [11]



. . . but now that I mention it, some others do come to mind. (when you and your loved one need to process/start couples’ therapy/go on Jerry– I personally advocate the last, and please throw chairs)


The longer, more mumble-y, more confused a speech you deliver– the more heartfelt it probably actually is.




When you just want to come out and say it. Being blunt is good, right? (ha)


Next from Hallmark: Valentines for Rebounds!


When the “naughty cards” section at the drugstore won’t cut it because of your “special” requirements. And if this one does apply to you, please write some erotica relating to your life, publish it online, and send me a link. Thanks!


Eye contact is for wimps. We can always FaceTime.


If you have a top-secret relationship.


If you need to define the terms of your relationship.  [#12]


Actual Craigslist ad from this area (slightly edited to remove anything potentially identifying): “Looking for a Polygamist partner – mw4w (—) mw4w If you don’t know what polygamy is, please research it before you respond. We are a — couple in their —- that live in the —- and would like to find a — woman to share our life and become part of our family. WE ARE NOT BI !!!!!!! and not into 3somes!!!!! Just not our thing. We are 2 happy people that’s been together for — years and that lived this lifestyle before and really loved it. Some of the happiest times in our lives. We don’t judge others and is honest, loyal and respectful folk that enjoy helping others. We believe in give and you will receive. This is for the long term and we would like to find someone between — and — who don’t have kids at home anymore but this is not a deal breaker. We like going on trips and explore and see new places. ——- You must be prepared to relocate and join our household.” So you can always try Craigslist! (note that I skipped the first three ads in the misc romance section because I was so offended by their content there was no way I was reposting them)


“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” ― Mark Twain– but NO PRESSURE


Top definition from Urban Dictionary: “Hooking up with someone for one night of sex with no strings attached and hoping to never see them again. It is important not to exchange any personal info with them so they can’t track you down and stalk you later.” (I like how the author of this definition– “hidollarho,” and no, I didn’t make that up– is a bit of a Dear Abby, what with the advice and all)


Or, let me reiterate, fight on Springer. With chairs.  [13]


This seems to be a legitimate use of the Facebook relationship status “it’s complicated.”  [14]


I was torn between putting this one here or with the “really” romantic ones. You can guess where I think it belongs, but I went with majority opinion.


Yeah, this is a really long one.  Looks like I have raided multiple sites on multiple occasions.  Just can’t help myself.  And yes, you’re permitted to scroll down.   [#]


I put Alice through the Mirror Stage when she was a kitten. More than one person– independently– has noted that this was child abuse.  [15]


Is it just me, or is Žižek everywhere these days? He’s clogging my Twitter feed, no kidding. Tweets about him, that is.


Refuted because Heidegger.


I really don’t recommend following Kierkegaard’s ways of romance.


My personal ad would specify “no analytics.” FYI.  [16]


“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”


Annoying male keep asking for your phone number, won’t take no? Give this number: 669-221-6251. Toll free, will auto-generate an appropriate response via recorded message or text. BOTP.  [17]


I’m not crying. I just have something in my eye.

Note:  these next ones are actually cited as coming from benkling.tumblr.com.  I think there’s also a blog.


Opportunities for Kant puns are endless. The Hedwig movie (not in actual play) has a particular favorite: “I had just been dismissed from University after delivering a brilliant lecture on the aggressive influence of German philosophy on rock ‘n’ roll entitled ‘You, Kant, Always Get What You Want.'” [18]


This one might send a confused message. Use with caution, depending on what you relationship goals are.


What is this, the third Kierkegaard one? I like him and all, but that’s not really reflective of my actual all-time favorites or anything. Regardless: very funny.


I have a theory about who I would get this one from: any time I tweet anything even remotely related to philosophy (e.g., actual philosopher-based content ranging to meditating on chipped nail polish), the same Socrates quote bot follows me (and unfollows a day later, probably because I never follow back– do I really want Platonic tweets on a daily basis?). My personal Twitter stalker.  [20]


Sometimes, yes, just a cigar. In this case: nope.


Simone, you little minx! “I was made for another planet altogether. I mistook the way.” ― Simone de Beauvoir (unrelated, just one of my favorites– not just of hers; in general)


Slow clap for Nietzsche.


I don’t really believe the people who argue that cogito is nonsyllogistic. Therefore, I offer this particular card for you to mock freely.


Not really an appropriate mash-up, but I got lazy.


Now that I look at it, is this a birthday card? No idea. Do what thou wilt.  [21]


You can’t go wrong with a poem.  [22]


I didn’t have enough for an art category, either, so here’s Frida. I just couldn’t leave her out.


I’ve been meaning to paint my nails. Will carefully paint them in *exactly* this manner.  [23]


Are those screwdrivers?


Read both their books. FYI.

To the point.

To the point.


[thumbs-up emoji]


Intersectional feminism, in brief. For people who leave the house sometimes.  [24]


But if you wrote a treatise, that would be pretty cool.


According to Lorde’s definition of revolution: “Revolution is not a one time event.” According to mine: that’s correct, because not only will it be tweeted, it will be retweeted.


Somewhat outdated dialectic, but I can still dig that.


If you can find it on your favorite tech device, it’s here.


I will find pie and throw it. For you.  [25]


Clearly, we are cycling through Netflix binge-watching inspired cards. For many of us, that’s deeply meaningful.  (also, this image looks blurry to me– it says “the devil won’t be the only thing inside u”– AHS, season 2)

L WORD copy

I read a Shane joke: Alice shows Shane how to use Tinder. Shane asks: “Why would I ever swipe left?” Here all week.  [26]

BIEBER copy_0

What insane font is that? Ban it. It’s illegible on my screen. It says: “I love you more than I love Kate McKinnon’s Justin Bieber impersonation.” Which kind of gave me nightmares.  [27]


That font again. “What’s new, Poussey Cat?” More pun points.


Someone needs to have a Come to Jesus with whoever created this series. Wingdings might actually be better: “Without you I’d be Lost, Girl.” Lost Girl: discuss.  [28]


“Your love is like a drug I’ve smuggled.”


“Test results show: you’re my Valentine.” Okay, so this one isn’t Netflix because Netflix needs to GET ITS ACT TOGETHER. But the first season is free on Amazon Prime.  (oh, maybe I should say:  this is Orphan Black)


Movie section? Book section? Feminism section? How about “let’s define rape” section?


It was not intentional to follow the rape one with Woody Allen. At any rate, I watch his movies while carefully pretending I know nothing biographical about him. Did I mention how much I love Annie Hall? In the previous post? Oh. Well, I do.


A truly great movie line.


A truly correct movie line.


When in doubt . . . the Oracle.


Eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww — and I’m not talking about handcuffs per se.


Another classic romantic science fiction double feature.  [29]


Back to Netflix binging.


There’s a whole group on this website . . . you know what? Never mind.  [30]


Twin Peaks love.


I have already been told that nobody wants to see this. I listened, as you see.  [31]


I’ve never actually seen this show (paging Netflix again), but I’ve heard enough about Sheldon at this point to get the joke.


There was an article in NYT about SNL (since it’s the 40th anniversary). The reporter asked Lorne Michaels what the best season was. He said: “whatever was on when you were in high school.” Both clever and correct.


Okay, if not Jerry, this is an acceptable alternative. If I were to ever have a child, this is 100% the way I’d like to announce it.


Heeeeere’s . . . flowers and candy!


Yes, more Annie Hall. Direct complaints to the management. [32]


Another beautiful love story: Sid and Nancy. See previous re: complaints.


Spreading the Golden Girls around.




Sometimes, something is so wrong that it MUST be right.  [33]




April Ludgate (role model), Parks and Rec


Andy, Parks and Rec— yes, this and the above represent yet more Netflix.


But they’re all words.  And I’m going with one category instead of three.  


Syvia Plath: yet another great source of romantic advice. Also, did you know that– for real– Joyce Carol Oates got into a fight with this Plath account once?


This was on Instagram. I stole it because it was hilarious and also makes me want to listen to “Rehab.”


Woolf only whistles in her own room.


Tweet (@crankyethicist) from earlier today. THIS IS MY NEW THEME SONG. The Office Space/Dawkins and Leiter reply is also a winner.  [34]




I’m counting this as Valentine’s Day because the 50 Shades release is timed to coincide with it. And because I am terrifically immature and thus find jokes about rats gnawing on gonads highly amusing.


Inclusion: Same as above. Christian Grey as new Jason is a theory worth considering.


I’m pretending that this poem was written just for me.


Would be better with a picture of Dolly Wilde, but I guess she doesn’t qualify as an author. For further Dolly Wilde-related stuff, read Caitlin Moran’s new novel, How to Build a Girl. No. READ IT.


Ouch. But I hope you don’t have rabies.


You’ve got a smile so bright, you know you could have been a candle / I’m holding you so tight, you know you could have been a handle / The way you swept me off my feet, you know you could have been a broom / The way you smell so sweet, you know you could have been some perfume


Murakami does not approve this message. Also, this is kind of what my personal ad would say I’m seeking: “A certain type of perfection can only be realized through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect.” ― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore


“Romantic” with Kafka will just have to be a qualified term: “I can’t think of any greater happiness than to be with you all the time, without interruption, endlessly, even though I feel that here in this world there’s no undisturbed place for our love, neither in the village nor anywhere else; and I dream of a grave, deep and narrow, where we could clasp each other in our arms as with clamps, and I would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody would ever see us any more.” ― Franz Kafka, The Castle


Uh, Shakespeake’s not my thing. Maybe you’ve noticed the strong 20th century leaning here? I think this is from Othello: “She lov’d me for the dangers I had pass’d, / And I lov’d her that she did pity them.” Also this: “Kill the Moor! Avast! Alack!” (might not want to use this as a citation source)


They called him “Horny Hemingway” (and if they didn’t, they should have). But, um, come to think of it . . . this wouldn’t apply to this novel. [35]  But anyway: “Oh Jake,” Brett said, “We could have had such a damned good time together.” Ahead was a mounted policeman in khaki directing traffic. He raised his baton. The car slowed suddenly, pressing Brett against me. Yes,” I said. “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”


Awhile back on Twitter (YES, I spend a lot of time there. Stop judging), teenage girls were posting “sweet” screenshots from their “big brothers”– texts about how they were looking out for their sisters. It was pretty nauseating. As tends to happen, the tag got hijacked. There was a lot of Orwell circulating that day.


For the librarians.


The famous pun. I realized I didn’t actually know its origin, if it had one at all. There’s disagreement, but the person with the first answer (the N-gram one) is pretty convincing.


No one can resist crying Poe.


So I’m going to toss you in the flames of Mordor! True love!


Really just included this one to slam Orson Scott Card.


I am quite fond of zombies and am also immune to them (no brains, so not a target). In looking up the plot to this book for a link [36], I realized it’s almost 10 years old. And I’m old.

kafka valentine

This is a patent Annie Hall ripoff. [37] Yes, I know I repeat myself with the Annie Hall stuff. Yes, I know I repeat myself with the Annie Hall stuff.


“There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody’s expense but his own.” ― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick ::toasts Melville::

Captions deleted from next series; they were causing some weird resizing, specifically shrinking the images into unreadable sizes.  The thing that you need to know is that the DFW one is my new pick-up line.



Technically should have been in philosophy section, but, rather than fix that, I’m putting him here– hey, he wrote novels! Want to be detached and cool and unattainable in that way that makes you super-desirable? Camus will lead the way.


“Is it hot in here . . . ?” also works.


The people in the Panopticon are watching, too! (Foucault, of course, and etc.– but also Jeni Fagan’s novel, The Panopticon)


He does not seem like a dirty old man.


Well, here’s a good one: You are at once both the quiet and the confusion of my heart.” ― Franz Kafka


“What if sometimes there is no choice about what to love? What if the temple comes to Mohammed? What if you just love? without deciding? You just do: you see her and in that instant are lost to sober account-keeping and cannot choose but to love?” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest [38]


The grammar or syntax or something here is messed up.


Extra cleverness points to this one.


Well, technically there’s a lot of sex in “Howl,” but WordPress might ban me or something. And isn’t there a mature content thing you have to check?


Please text me this. I will love you for ever.


This is Orwell . . . ::falls asleep::


Lovecraft. Yeah. That’s all I’ve got.


The only proper response: “;” (here— and even if you get the reference already, that links to a good article)


I don’t know much about his biography– much of what I do know I picked up tangentially via an inexplicable Sybille Bedford kick (I regret nothing).


As she says in her novel: He’ll do press-ups and chin-ups / Do the snatch, clean, and jerk / He thinks dynamic tension / Must be hard work / Such strenuous living / I just don’t understand / When in just seven days / Oh, baby / I can make you a man


“Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.”


As I inadvertently found out, an excellent way to start a Twitter pile-on (YES, you mentioned that) is to say something even borderline negative about Ayn Rand with #AynRand. Objectivists start coming out of the woodwork. [39]

godot-300x177 fitzgerald-300x177



Uh . . . how BIG a box of kittens? Like, how many?

enhanced-buzz-14527-1328724183-15 il_570xN.721339506_5hp2 il_570xN.714861507_4q5e tumblr_mi8hevLZr21qznup6o1_500il_570xN.718311286_b9pt

I don’t really feel these need captions.  Myself and the other friends of felines already feel the love here.


Apparently there’s an anti-anti-Valentine’s Day movement that has nothing to do with relationship status?  Could research further but might opt for nap.


Point of clarification: as-yet unknown sociopaths are ready-steady-go?  Only diagnosed ones are off-limits?


Does anyone else think those taste really weird and chalky? Just me? Okay. Never mind. But really– I’ll take a peanut butter heart.


Re vodka, here’s your guide to toasting in Russian (in today’s edition of “The Internet Has Everything”: Твоё здоровье! (your health, informal, a group); Будем здоровы! (to our health, when you’re drinking alone and raise the glass); нашу дружбу! (to friendship); любовь! (to love); посошок! (one for the road). Preface all but the first two and the last with “za.” Now go to Russia.


Wonder if Publix has its specials up yet?


Seems like these are maybe for texting? Not sure.


How do you evenly slice a heart-shaped pizza? This bothers me.


You’re correct; this is a Jeffery Dahmer Valentine. I personally would have put it under the tru luv ones, but, again, majority opinion blah blah. Incidentally, I carried a stick named Jeffery around for a period of time there. I feel that was perfectly normal.


Over the course of these past two posts, I have come to believe that the Internet is 90% Pulp Fiction pictures involving guns.


If you want to be just a tiny, tiny bit self-righteous . . .

As I said:  you do you.  Also, this is a multi-holiday-purpose card.  Use as needed.

As I said: you do you. Also, this is a multi-holiday-purpose card. Use as needed.


Well, more random than this was already.  Which might be 180 to not-random?


Taken by me at a craft store. Not explaining. Not linking.


Actual vintage ad. Pro tits! Tips. I mean tiPs.


On a Saturday this year– but keep this one on file.


This will probably turn out to be a hoax. In the meantime, though, it’s still clever, hoax or not.


I don’t know any DNA songs, but there’s an excellent parody of The Major General’s song about the elements. [40]


Geek, of course, is a compliment.


Say it with love.


. . . you, too?


❤ Ada Lovelace


Should have been an anti-Valentine? But I don’t think it actually is . . .




I didn’t have enough for a STEM category (shocker).  So they’re all ending up here.  Love to all the STEM peeps anyway.


And, ultimately, NERDS RULE. Everybody date a nerd! Love a nerd! Nerds for everyone! ::throws confetti:: [41]

[1]  Or whoever you’re doing.  Or a goat, if you’ve seen that Albee play.

[2]  I’m fully aware of the abundance of Infinite Jest quotations.  Deal.  And I seriously do love that line.

[3]  And what kind of person would I be if I didn’t provide audio?

[4]  Share your Netflix password before you merge checking accounts.  Like a dry run.

[5]  Speaking of, did you see the Miley-tongue-porn thing?  (no actual nudity in link, but you probably get the gist here).  Some of you have already received this video from me, many of you in the form of video accompanied by a misleading message about its actual content.  Have I told you lately I love you?

[6]  Negligee?


Pretty sure that’s what they mean by sexy sleepwear, but I’ll look into Victoria’s Secret later. (yes, those are cats on it)


Super-affable in mornings.


Another take on sexy siren from film noir.

[7]  I couldn’t find the real Waltons goodnight thing.  I did find a parody.  Profanity at end.

[8]  My phone:  Marvin the Paranoid Non-Android.  (RIP, Douglas Adams)

[9]  See A Farewell to Arms section, Literary Characters post.

[10]  Technically, my homemade tape days extend well beyond 1989.  You know those tapes you made from the radio?  You heard a song you like start and hit record, so you’d have a tape with about 15-20 seconds of the beginning missing from every song?  Nostalgia.  I’m old.

[11]  And while we’re in this era, can Levar Burton read me a Valentine’s story?  Thank you.  Butterfly in the sky . . .

[12]  Danger, Will Robinson!  I Googled “dtr” in hopes of finding something funny.  DON’T DO THAT.

[13]  Contrary to appearances, I am aware that Springer is no longer on.  This is wishful thinking.  Bring back Jerry!  I did not watch this video to the end.  Needless to say, content advisory.  Duh.

[14]  How does Facebook deal with polygamous relationships?  Can you set an individual relationship status for each spouse?  I suddenly really want to know this.

[15]  Given how Alice has turned out (“The Happiest Girl in the USA”), I don’t think this is really a sound argument.

[16]  And if I do write a personal, it will be EPIC.  EPIC.  Also, not to bring up that commitment hearing again, but . . . yeah.

[17]  BOTP is a new entry in my vocabulary and apparently a neologism in general; Google will have you believe it’s “Battle of the Planets.”  Because of the Patriarchy.  

[18]  Some additional Hedwig and the Angry Inch thoughts on love:

[someone is singing “I Will Always Love You” in the background]

Tommy: What do you think? Do you think love lasts forever?

Hedwig: No, but this song does.

You were so much more / Than any god could ever plan / More than a woman or a man / Now I understand / How much I took from you / That when everything starts breaking down / You take the pieces off the ground / Show this wicked town / Something beautiful and new / You think that luck has left you there / But maybe there’s nothing / Up in the sky but air / And there’s no mystical design / No cosmic lover preassigned  [19]

[19]  A full video of the original Hedwig off-Broadway production is up (again).  It will probably be taken down as soon as a relevant person realizes it’s there.  Watch while you can.  The movie clips are currently being preceded in the search results by promo stuff for the current production.  At any rate:

Sometimes I just listen to that on repeat, when I really, really need to . . .

[20]  I have a current Twitter stalker, and I don’t know why he (I guess?) picked me. (. . . ) And I just went over to cut and paste some of the stuff he said, and his account is suspended (I didn’t report him– suppose I wasn’t the only person in his life), so the tweets are gone.  The ONE TIME I didn’t capture something super-weird.  Figures.  He’s said I was giving him the “razzle-dazzle” at one point (it was completely unclear how that related to whatever pointless thing I’d said), asked if he could “pin me” (really wish I had that one– because all I can think of is Silence of the Lambs— Pinterest was the only other thing I could think of re: pinning, but there was no picture involved), and said I made him look up words (apparently referred to The Mikado, but I’m not positive).  That’s a sampling.

[21]  “Do What Thou Wilt” is carved above a monastery door in Rabelais.  I had a high school teacher who quoted it frequently.

[22]  I’ve been sending this around since at least January, if not before.

[23]  For once, filter activated.  It wasn’t anything obscene; I’m just opting out.  It would be better for the other blog.

[24]  Leave the house?  Sometimes I just don’t understand people . . . (typing this from under the bed)

[26]  Tweeted by parody account @ModernLWord. If you follow, go back and read tweets from beginning– it’s a storyline (they’re not that many).


[28]  I mean, I watch an episode or two of Lost Girl and think I’m really getting into it, and by three or so, I’m bored and burned out and it seems silly.  FEELINGS.

[29]  What else?

[30]  Second successful use of filter!  Because, yeah, that one was completely inappropriate.

[31]  Not letting this one get by either.  (I already have these things in playlists, so it’s pretty much spreading the wealth.  Or whatever.)  Super-romantic!!!!!!!

[32]  Re:  the management

“Archbishop James Usher (1580-1656) published Annales Veteris et Novi Testaments in 1654, which suggested that the Heaven and the Earth were created in 4004 B.C. One of his aides took the calculation further, and was able to announce triumphantly that the Earth was created on Sunday the 21st of October, 4004 B.C., at exactly 9:00 A.M., because God liked to get work done early in the morning while he was feeling fresh.

This too was incorrect. By almost a quarter of an hour.

The whole business with the fossilized dinosaur skeletons was a joke the paleontologists haven’t seen yet.

This proves two things:

Firstly, that God moves in extremely mysterious, not to say, circuitous ways. God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, [ie., everybody.] to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won’t tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.

Secondly, the Earth’s a Libra.”

[33]  What do you mean, have I taken my meds?
[34]  I’m not a Dawkins fan (I am a fan of the term “Dawk-bro”).  However, this recent video is extremely funny.  Profanity and more.  
[35]  How can I put this delicately and sensitively?  Jake has a war wound, and he is impotent.  Another way to say this is that Jake is missing his junk.
[36]  I apologize for the ton of links to Wikipedia.  Lazy, but saves time.
[37]  See previous post, “Film Theory with Siri,” Annie Hall section:  specifically, the image.  See what I mean?
[38]  And, just getting this on public record:  “…loneliness is not a function of solitude.”

― David Foster WallaceInfinite Jest

And a super-long one that is just about people being people in the freaking world, because EVERY DAY IS NOT VALENTINE’S DAY and life is real and so on:

“If, by the virtue of charity or the circumstance of desperation, you ever chance to spend a little time around a Substance-recovery halfway facility like Enfield MA’s state-funded Ennet House, you will acquire many exotic new facts…

That certain persons simply will not like you no matter what you do.

That sleeping can be a form of emotional escape and can with sustained effort be abused. That purposeful sleep-deprivation can also be an abusable escape.

That you do not have to like a person in order to learn from him/her/it. That loneliness is not a function of solitude. That logical validity is not a guarantee of truth. That it takes effort to pay attention to any one stimulus for more than a few seconds. That boring activities become, perversely, much less boring if you concentrate intently on them. That if enough people in a silent room are drinking coffee it is possible to make out the sound of steam coming off the coffee. That sometimes human beings have to just sit in one place and, like, hurt. That you will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do. That there is such a thing as raw, unalloyed, agendaless kindness.

That it is possible to fall asleep during an anxiety attack.

That concentrating intently on anything is very hard work.

That 99% of compulsive thinkers’ thinking is about themselves; that 99% of this self-directed thinking consists of imagining and then getting ready for things that are going to happen to them; and then, weirdly, that if they stop to think about it, that 100% of the things they spend 99% of their time and energy imagining and trying to prepare for all the contingencies and consequences of are never good. In short that 99% of the head’s thinking activity consists of trying to scare the everliving shit out of itself. That it is possible to make rather tasty poached eggs in a microwave oven. That some people’s moms never taught them to cover up or turn away when they sneeze. That the people to be the most frightened of are the people who are the most frightened. That it takes great personal courage to let yourself appear weak. That no single, individual moment is in and of itself unendurable.

That other people can often see things about you that you yourself cannot see, even if those people are stupid. That having a lot of money does not immunize people from suffering or fear. That trying to dance sober is a whole different kettle of fish.

That different people have radically different ideas of basic personal hygiene.

That, perversely, it is often more fun to want something than to have it.

That if you do something nice for somebody in secret, anonymously, without letting the person you did it for know it was you or anybody else know what it was you did or in any way or form trying to get credit for it, it’s almost its own form of intoxicating buzz.

That anonymous generosity, too, can be abused.

That it is permissible to want.

That everybody is identical in their unspoken belief that way deep down they are different from everyone else. That this isn’t necessarily perverse.

That there might not be angels, but there are people who might as well be angels.”

The last line:  SO true.  To an extent I didn’t realize until this past year.

[39]  Twitter bait isn’t usually what you’d expect, as in #AynRand.  Another hijacked tag that caused mass riots was #defendtheduggars.  You can’t predict these things.

[40]  Gilbert and Sullivan– my longest love.

[41]  I don’t mean the people who “pretend” to be nerds; I mean the real thing.  You know the difference.

“Chester nods all the way through this, but does not rudely interrupt Randy as a younger nerd would. Your younger nerd takes offense quickly when someone near him begins to utter declarative sentences, because he reads into it an ssertion that he, the nerd, does not already know the information being imparted. But your older nerd has more
self-confidence, and besides, understands that frequently people need to think out loud. And highly advanced nerds will furthermore understand that uttering declarative sentences whose contents are already known to all present is part of the social process of making conversation and therefore should not be construed as aggression under any circumstances.”
― Neal StephensonCryptonomicon

I have three copies of that book.  Long story.  (down to two– gave one away)

Furthermore:  I don’t like the gendering in this, and there’s a little nerd/geek confusion, but it’s still funny anyway.  Nerds need PSAs.

I have a picture of myself in headgear (I’d really, really like to thank whichever family member thought it was a super idea to document that) if you need to see my creds.

So, peace out.

I’m ending with my (years and years and years) traditional Valentine’s salute.  It’s a scene from David Lynch’s Blue Velvet.  It contains major profanity and close-up violence.

(my favorite scene from my favorite movie)